More Than Petticoats: Remarkable Idaho Women, Second Edition book cover

Idaho’s Remarkable Women

Idaho’s Remarkable Women, tells the history of the Gem State through the stories of fourteen pioneering women, all born before 1900, who made a profound impact on Idaho.

Meet Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark’s Shoshone guide; Jo Monaghan, who lived as a man for nearly forty years; Margaret Cobb Ailshie, who ran Idaho’s biggest newspaper; Dr. Minnie Howard, one of Idaho’s first pioneer woman doctors; and Nell Shipman, an actress, writer, and early filmmaker.

Each woman in her own way displayed remarkable courage, hope, and love during a time when Idaho was still an untamed frontier. Read about their exceptional lives in this collection of absorbing biographies.

All of these women, born before the twentieth century, faced incredible challenges. Read about their triumphs in this collection of absorbing biographies.

  • Published by Two Dot/Globe Pequot/Rowman & Littlefield
  • Publication date: Spring, 2016
  • Paperback, 164 pages
  • ISBN: 978-1-4930-2320-2